About me

I am a Ph.D. student working on robotics and machine learning. My research interests include leveraging robot manipulation by imitation learning, reinforcement learning, and streamlining robotic systems to fulfill real-world applications. Currently, I am working on applying geometric deep learning to SE(3) robotic policy learning.


  • (2024 Summer) Amazon Robotics
  • (2023 Summer) Boston Dynamics AI Institute



Fourier Transporter: Bi-Equivariant Robotic Manipulation in 3D
Haojie Huang, Owen Lewis Howell*, Dian Wang*, Xupeng Zhu*, Robert Platt, Robin Walters
ICLR 2024, Vienna, Austria
(Website) (Openreview) (Video) ` `
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A General Theory of Correct, Incorrect, and Extrinsic Equivariance
Dian Wang, Xupeng Zhu, Jung Yeon Park, Robert Platt, Robin Walters
(PDF) ` `
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On Robot Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
Xupeng Zhu, Dian Wang, Guanang Su, Ondrej Biza, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
Autonomous Robots. 2023
(PDF) (Code) (Website) (Arxiv) ` `
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SEIL: Simulation-augmented Equivariant Imitation Learning
Mingxi Jia*, Dian Wang*, Guanang Su, David Klee, Xupeng Zhu, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
* Equal Contribution
ICRA 2023, London, UK
(PDF) (Page) (Video) ` `
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Edge Grasp Network: Graph-Based SE(3)-invariant Approach to Grasp Detection
Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Xupeng Zhu, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
ICRA 2023, London, UK
(PDF) (Page) (Code) ` `
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Integrating Symmetry into Differentiable Planning with Steerable Convolutions Linfeng Zhao, Xupeng Zhu*, Lingzhi Kong*, Robin Walters, Lawson L.S. Wong
ICLR 2023, RLDM 2022
(PDF) (Code) (Page) ` `
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On-Robot Learning With Equivariant Models
Dian Wang, Mingxi Jia, Xupeng Zhu, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
CoRL 2022, Auckland, New Zealand
(Webpage) (PDF) (OpenReview) (Video) ` `
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BulletArm: An Open-Source Robotic Manipulation Benchmark and Learning Framework
Dian Wang, Colin Kohler, Xupeng Zhu, Mingxi Jia, Robert Platt
ISRR 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
(PDF) (Code) ` `
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Sample Efficient Grasp Learning Using Equivariant Models
Xupeng Zhu, Dian Wang, Ondrej Biza, Guanang Su, Robin Walters, Robert Platt
RSS 2022, New York, USA
(PDF) (Code) (Website) (Video) ` `
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Equivariant Q Learning in Spatial Action Spaces
Dian Wang, Robin Walters, Xupeng Zhu, Robert Platt
CoRL 2021, London, UK
(PDF) (OpenReview) (Poster) (Page) (Video) (Code) ` `
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Two Hybrid End-Effector Posture-Maintaining and Obstacle-Limits Avoidance Schemes for Redundant Robot Manipulators
Zhijun Zhang, Siyuan Chen, Xupeng Zhu, Ziyi Yan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 754-763, Feb. 2020 (PDF) ` `
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* indicates equal contribution; indicates equal advising.


Reviewer: CVPR 2023 Workshop on 3D Vision and Robotics, RSS2023 Workshop Symmetry, CoRL2022, T-RO2022

Teaching Assistant: CS5180 Reinforcement Learning, CS5100 Introduction to AI